Wix Lounge SF

I’ll have my scarves for sale at Wix Lounge in San Francisco’s Mission district on December 10th from 11am – 5pm. I’m going to have the scarves, a few ornaments and even a few cards and paper goods. I hope to see you there!

Some ornaments you’ll see at the show!

Narwhal Scarf

So every Wednesday, a friend (Mr. Mito) and I work on a children’s book. He does the main character illustrations and I do all the background and other characters. This really puts a damper in my scarf schedule, but alas, I was able to create a narwhal scarf just for you! (Yes, Heather, just for you.)

Martin the Narwhal loves fighting unicorns on his spare time, but he also loves roasting marshmallows on an open fire. I mean, it’s such a novel thing to him, since he’s always underwater… and found mostly around colder areas. He just wants to ohm nom nom on the soft goodness of mallows! Can you blame him?

Chameleon Scarf

A little behind with the scarves. I went rock climbing yesterday and was too sore to get it all going! Here’s Hamilton the Jackson Chameleon. He likes to play in the sand, even if it’s a little weird for him. He’ll love being a part of your wardrobe, as he really likes hugging and curling up next to things. You can really tell by his curly tail!

Just chillin.


My girlfriends are so cute! How can I not love these people?! (And this is why I was sore yesterday. I’m so out of shape.)

Lemur scarf

A friend of mine asked for a lemur scarf since she absolutely adores lemurs. Here’s her scarf:

It’s very soft–made of cashmere and merino wools.

How can you not love that face?

Then here’s a random stuffed animal that I challenged myself to create in an hour. So I went over by 10 minutes, but he was made completely patternless. Lots of quick engineering. I guess after doing this for a little while, you kind of know how to engineer this stuff. If only I was good at engineering other things!