Patterns and lines


The anoles at the Academy of Sciences are adorable.


Perch, I think? This guy let me take a picture of his catch.


The cassowary is one of those super interesting looking birds… That I wouldn’t want to mess with.


Turkey vultures are all over the bay area. They’re huge!


I’ve always wanted to witness the seventeen year cicadas hatch.

Tv shows past and present


Falcor was always really scary, but I also wanted to ride him all over the world! Who remembers this film?


I see many bugs in the garage.


The happiest Halloween crab.


Spiders look so much like crabs, yet we’re not afraid of them… Crabs, that is.


I got a hold of some x-rays, who wants some? I’m selling them on Etsy.


Pizza and ice cream are the best.


I’m pretty sure I saw a gray whale! It was some kind of whale…


Peregrine falcon.


Have you guys watched better call saul? Do it.


They’re our people. We got to stick together.




They took so long to put him behind bars.


MRIs are really loud machines.


The puppy with the prettiest eyes.


And of course we have to marathon game of thrones before this Sunday!


Happy Easter!


I. Don’t. Know. Fish head.


A drawing of a picture I took off a dead cow on the side If the road.



Fish and Skull


I’m experimenting with color. I think I should stick with black and white and make a coloring book instead.


A collection of skulls seems so necessary when I’m drawing. It’s so fun to draw. Can you guess the skull?



Though it may not be spring, it sure feels like it here in San Francisco!


I watched How to Train your Dragon 2 and I love it when toothless is eating fish.


Craft nights are pretty much wild cards, but we decided to make felt flowers of these types.

Creepy Crawlies


Whenever I go to the Academy of Sciences, I love looking at the armored catfish. They’re so fascinating.


I heard some froggy noises, so I followed just to find what I thought was a frog! It turned out it was a California newt.


There was an insect bbq, and I had one of these hornworms in a spring roll. I’ll say that I much prefer crickets over the caterpillars, though.

Random things


I love these long tailed grackles! They’re so elegant in my eyes.


Cheetos are good for my workouts, right? They have whey in them!


We watched some wrestling and I super love their underwear and long boots!


The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is an amazing show. Drop everything to go watch it now on Netflix.


I also love MadMen for their women’s outfits. Go costume designers!


I don’t know. I was thinking of weird vending machine items and I thought seafood would be bizarre! I wonder if it exists anywhere.


Believe in yourself.


On my road trip, I saw a dead jackrabbit and I thought, what would it be like if we left our deceased like we leave our roadkill. That’s what inspired me.

So many drawings!

imageI love eating dessert excessively.imageAfter talking about a few creepy ghost stories that I’ve encountered, my friend thought it was interesting that shoes were a big part of each one. He said that in certain cultures, that would mean that the ghost was tying itself to you! How CREEPY!

imageI love to karaoke Journey songs. I always bring the house down with Separate Ways.imageGrand Budapest Hotel was an amazing movie. I just love the color scheme.imageHot dogs are my favorite part of a BBQ.imageIf there’s a burger menu in front of me and I see the ingredients “grilled onions, mushrooms, bleu cheese,” I pretty much have to order it.imageThe best thing about Twin Peaks girls night (other than the ladies) are the doughnuts.imageAfter eating a candied dehydrated orange slice at Amber with their cauliflower bezule dish, I decided to try making it myself. imageDrones are fun to play with! Inspire.imageMy friend seriously has a lion’s mane. It took her 4 hours to get touchups on her highlights and I’m pretty sure that if you braided her hair and cut it off, it could keep a ship docked. Seriously.imageIt turns out I’m really good at hammering chickens into pots! We ended up winning lots of toys this way.imageI loved the dead fish cart at the Bartolotta Wynn restaurant. Jay thought I would be embarrassed by it, but I asked to see it probably four times… then asked to get a picture taken with it.

imageSedona has javalina statues everywhere and a rock that looks like Snoopy!imageDriving around the Grand Canyon, we saw a herd of Elk. And on our drive to the Grand Canyon, I saw the cutest coyote face ever. It was all fluffy and squinty from the sun.imageOn our way into Zion, we saw a bunch of Big Horn Sheep. There was a mama with two 2 week old babies with her.imageI love jumping shots, but my favorite was jumping like we were being beamed up to space by spaceships all along the ET highway.imageWe saw a few goat films that I found pretty touching at the Grass Valley animal film festival.imageI also shouldn’t make the mistake of drinking Coke anytime after 3pm. I’m really not allowed to drink caffeine after noon, really. It really disrupts my sleeping. Sugar does, too! After a four hour “nap” from 10:30p-2:30a, I was up for 23 hours after.imageBecause chickens.imageI saw a baby goat trip over another baby goat, then it face planted into the ground. It got up super quickly and looked around as if nothing had happened.imageAnd sometimes you just need to draw flowers.

Getting old and food related

You know you’re getting old when your car insurance goes down (yes!), but your health insurance goes up (nooooo! Age brackets!).


Sometimes you need a battle ram.


Do you love/hate first person games as much as me? Love playing, hate nauseous feeling.


It really sucks being a girl. I mean, I get cramps so major that I just feel really sore. Now pair that with a really hard without for the first time in forever. Deadlifting? Squats? Ugh!


Sometimes dating a man with a beard tells you many things about him… Mostly what he ate from the tales of food past.


And some of you may or may not know this, but I am a true San Francisco native. I even know the hand signs! Though it’s really hard to do.


Lastly, I went to a friend’s 40th birthday party! I haven’t seen her since we graduated from the animation program! Good to see her.


Daggers in my eyes

Whenever I’m too full, (I’m the worst with portion control) I imagine a party in my stomach.


I’ll use anything at hand to shade me from the sharp sting of the sun in my eyes.


Don’t you hate it when you get the smallest speck of dust between your eye and contact? How is it possible to feel like the pain of thousand daggers and the fiery burn of a dragon’s breath in your eyes? Only those that wear contacts will know this pain.
