Narwhal scarf

I love custom work. When someone told me they wanted a narwhal, I give them what they want!


narwhal scraps


the horn

Sometimes I love it when I can find the right material for the job. It looks like a spiral horn!


totally stuffing.


final narwhal. woot

All done. Enjoy! Yeah, I don’t use patterns.

Narwhal Scarf

So every Wednesday, a friend (Mr. Mito) and I work on a children’s book. He does the main character illustrations and I do all the background and other characters. This really puts a damper in my scarf schedule, but alas, I was able to create a narwhal scarf just for you! (Yes, Heather, just for you.)

Martin the Narwhal loves fighting unicorns on his spare time, but he also loves roasting marshmallows on an open fire. I mean, it’s such a novel thing to him, since he’s always underwater… and found mostly around colder areas. He just wants to ohm nom nom on the soft goodness of mallows! Can you blame him?